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UK Breaches of Human Rights Law

By: Louise Smith, barrister - Updated: 26 Feb 2020 | comments*Discuss
Uk Breaches Of Human Rights Law

Although the UK has taken well known steps to incorporate internationally recognised human rights law into domestic legislation there are still cases where it is found to have breached human rights. Whilst many cases are resolved within the UK’s own legal system, there continue to be cases which go to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) for a final decision. We look at some cases where the UK has been found, by the ECHR, to have violated human rights law.

Sexuality of People Serving in the UK’s Armed Forces

In 2000 the ECHR found that the UK had violated the human rights of several homosexual soldiers who had been dismissed from the armed forces because of their sexuality. The ECHR ordered the UK to pay substantial damages to the individuals involved. The fact that the soldiers had been questioned about their sexuality, and then dismissed because of it, was held to be a breach of their right to privacy. This case lead to the law on the sexuality of those who can serve in the UK’s armed forces being changed. The UK is now amongst those countries who allow gay members of the armed forces to be open about their sexuality.

UK Widowers’ Entitlement to Benefits

A 2002 human rights case was brought against the UK regarding a widower’s entitlement to receive bereavement benefits. Until 2001 a man whose wife had died was not entitled to receive the lump sum and weekly bereavement payments which a woman whose husband had died would receive. A widower who had given up work to care for his children after the death of his wife in 1996, and who was refused the bereavement benefit, took his case to the ECHR. The ECHR held that the widower had been discriminated against on account of his gender and ordered that he be paid £25,000 in damages. By then the law in the UK had already been changed meaning that, today, a bereaved spouse of either gender has equal entitlement to bereavement benefits.

The Ban on Prisoners Voting in the UK

The UK’s law preventing prisoners from voting in elections was called into question by a 2005 ECHR case. An ex-prisoner started the case which used human rights law to challenge the UK’s ban on prisoners voting. The ECHR held that the ban may constitute a breach of an individual’s right to free elections. In 2008, with the UK’s law on prisoners voting unchanged, the UN commented that the ban may constitute a breach of human rights. Although the UK is usually prompt in adapting to ECHR rulings, as at March 2010, the ban remains. However, there have been suggestions that the law may be changed to allow some, less serious, categories of prisoner to vote.

Monitoring of Private Correspondence by the UK Government

A 2008 case was brought to the ECHR by several civil rights organisations. This questioned the legitimacy of the UK government’s use of phone-tapping and the monitoring of emails between the UK and Ireland from 1990 to 1997. The civil rights groups claimed that some of their correspondence had been monitored by the authorities. The law at that time gave a very wide remit for the UK authorities to monitor correspondence and the very existence of that law was said by the ECHR to pose a threat to rights and freedoms. The ECHR was concerned that the law was open to abuse and held that the monitoring constituted a breach of the right to private correspondence. The UK government considered the case to be so sensitive in terms of national security, that it would neither confirm nor deny what had actually taken place. However, it did concede that it was reasonable for the ECHR to assume that some of the groups’ correspondence had been viewed.

Stop and Search under the UK’s Terrorism Act

In 2010 the ECHR found that the stop and search procedures used by the UK police pursuant to the Terrorism Act 2000 were illegal because they did not require the police to have grounds for suspicion before using them. The ECHR found that this was open to abuse and constituted a breach of an individual’s right to private and family life. Many rules and laws introduced to combat terrorism have been challenged under human rights law. The measures needed to protect the UK against the threat of terrorism are considered to be much greater than those required to combat ordinary crime and there have been concerns from many sectors of society that this has been used as an excuse to take away long-held rights and freedoms.

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Hello, a few months ago, I lost my appeal in a Employment Tribunal in Nottingham. But I appealed to the court in London, and it turned out that sending all the documents was endless to the Employment Tribunalin London. Every now and then I had to send something. And finally it turned out that it was about 6 times by traditional mail. Finally, I received a letter from Employment Tribunals that I had to send one more document, one A4 sheet and sent it. The only problem was that it happened one day after the deadline. Let me remind you that 99% of documents were already completed and delivered on time, and I was late with one sheet of document by one day. Then I got a letter from the Employment Tribunal that I should give a reason why I was one day late submitting my documents? If my reason is plausible, they will consider my application and accept my appeal. So I wrote to them that I am a disabled person after a motorcycle accident, I am after a knee surgery and I have a disability group and I am on crutches and that every time I leave the house it is a huge problem and it is a great effort for me. And that I am single, and there is no one to help me even send a letter. And secondly, I mentioned that 99% of documents have already been delivered to them on time, which has already made a great effort. It was exactly one A4 page, in which the Employment Tribunal saw the biggest problem. Unfortunately, the Employment Tribunal wrote back to me that the reason given by me was not credible and that my appeal would not be accepted. Please tell me is this not a sign of pure discrimination for human? This is additionally discrimination against a disabled person in this case. How can a disabled person with a disability be treated in this way? Is this a worthy behavior of a civil servant towards a disabled citizen? I have written to the Employment Tribunal many times, but without success. I suppose that not one judge and anyone who would have competence in this case got acquainted with my letters which I sent there. Can I file a complaint with the state authorities regarding this fact that I have been discriminated against as a disabled person by the Employment Tribunal?Thank you and I look forward to your reply. PS: Sorry for the mistakes but English is my second language.
Arrico - 26-Feb-20 @ 10:00 AM
Please can anyone help me it's a big thing and I'm facing prison for what up two years
Amanda - 20-Aug-19 @ 9:47 PM
I reciever a bundle of what I now know to be files denlivened by mistake by lcc I was in court high Courtwasn't aware I need a solicitor but have till Thursday dayto find a independent not involved in Lancashire at all as I burned the files asI wasscared for my safety of family members.and it has evidence of total corruption within the social workers that have been failing children in my family's for the last 2 decades I'm at my wits end the lcc solicitors wanted to send me to prison today as I mentioned to a family memberto some whom was apart if the courts application without any knowledge of the documents stamped addoptionwithout the courts final court days also other things which I can't mention x have no one I can trust policesw council mental health teamprobation all on same page while I my aim is to protect my family and help other who find them self in same boat it's horrendously unfair human rights lawyer is needed please help abjones
Heartlessbitch - 20-Aug-19 @ 9:45 PM
The police contacted me by telephone to say there had been a complaint regardinga breach of the peace against me six months ago. They said they had been given video evidence of me shouting at a picket line. They said as I had no previous convictions they would give me a warning. I asked them how do they it was me. They replied that the picketers saw me going into my house and the police had called at my house (six months later) and got my telephone number from my wife. They then stated that the warning would stay on file for six months and if I'm not in any trouble in that time, it will be removed. I asked them does that mean it has now expired as the (alleged) incident took place six months ago. They said no because they were warning me today. I refused there offer of a warning and told them to come and charge me. They refused and insisted that this is dealt with by a warning again stating it would stay on file for six months. Again, I told them I would not accept this bit they would not give way. I stated if they insist on this, I am stating that I believe this to be infringing my 'human rights' as they are given me a twelve month warning. They hummed away saying that there was nothing they could do. I finished by telling the police that as far as I was concerned they didn't have any reason to charge me and the evidence they referred to could not be used in court due to certain legal technicalities, which they acknowledged. However, they finished by again stating that this time they are 'just giving me a warning'. I said goodbye and hung up. They didn't call back. Where do I stand on this?
Jonms - 9-Aug-19 @ 1:23 PM
I have to endure physical, mental abuse daily by my neighbours. This has gone on for years my health is deteriorate and have lost a friend who died February this year. My family is also being targeted. It's too long to go in to but I need advice. Also my GP who is also a police Dr has knowledge of the abuse but hasn't made any changes in my circumstances. I want to know what is the best course of action I believe they are trying to murder me. From Dumfries and people are slanderous. Had to move 3 times because of it no proof of anything yet it goes on. My mental health is well documented
Error404 - 21-Jun-19 @ 3:37 AM
I was recalled back to prison by police and there was no charges brought against me and I then had to do over 7 weeks but I was told I should have only done 28 days in recall so does anyone know if my human rights where broken and do I have a right to take them to court for this because it was a standard recall
Andy - 24-May-19 @ 8:48 PM
the write up i sent you about my friend in a care home as a mobile number to contact me but it is the ronge number the number is 07493890219 can you put this mobile number in so i can get a response. I am fighting for someones lifethe care home is in barnsley she is loosing her mind in this place. and i feel she is giving up with life.
terence mills - 24-Apr-19 @ 1:24 AM
Is a worker's council or something similar where one can lodge complaints? I had a terrible experience with a British recruiter who used insulting words like "Shame on you. Have you no honour at all? " ,"You are like most candidates, only interested in chasing money " after I rejected the accepted job offer due to personal reasons.Or is this normal from recruiters? Thank you for your response!
Anon - 19-Mar-19 @ 1:20 PM
there is no body in the the uk to fight for my freind as her human rights as been took off her and been put in a care home against her will . i.e socail service law you name it soliciters all mean well but what happens if you have no money to pay and you are going through hell where you are now. the place where she is IS a care home from hell.Soits time to go it alone is there anybody out there having same problems has my freind if so please contact me i want to protest in the street and let the public no what is going on forget soliciters i have seen 31 no faith i donot want a riot just someone who thinks the same as me and want to air there veiws in public i am from wakefieldcontact me to talk on 07392944798. .24/7.p.s. Please i dont want to slander anyone just to show powers to be we are not going to be silent anymore. log it flag it thats all we getor sign posted into circles. i am just a human being fighting for my freind. nevergivein
nevergivein - 17-Feb-19 @ 7:25 AM
While I was coming back from night duty I found that my flat door was broken and there was a board written:Police aware. I went to City council for more information about breaking in where I was told by housing officer that the police left message saying that they broke in because they (police)concerned about my own safety.When I rang police for more information the case number they left to the housing officer did not show up in the log in record system for police.when I rang the police they told me that they broke in to my flat because there is a 15 year old child missing and it was suspended that this missing child is in my flat (child kidnapping) This information was completely different from what I was told initially.when I got inside my flat there was a note left by police saying that they broke in because they were concerned about missing person.as I knew that this case is serious criminal offence I rang police centre again to find out but no police officer was available to answer me.i was never interviewed by police and no phone call from police.as the trained nurse I had to report to my employer about the incident and that I am unable to turn up to work that evening.Unfortunately my employer suspended me without payment until I submit the clearance letter from Police regarding this case I rang Police center requesting the police to come forward but police never showed interest .The note that was left by police in my flat had no time,no name or surname of police officer and no ID for police officer,I was terrified not knowing what is next since police ran away I started to ask my neighbors if they were really police as I was concerned about incomplete information in the note .my neighbors told me that they were really police officer with two police officer cars.Police did not interview my neighbor as part of their search for missing person. I was now scared of the police for living me in limbo. I asked my closest neighbor if she saw police and my neighbors told me that she had a noise banging and she out and asked the police if she can help them and the police said her No we want this woman who live here as she committed serious criminal offence. I again doubt that we’re ready police officer. Distressed,scared and terrified of police for not being trusted.i became a victim of police . I went to Police station and asked for clearance letter so that I can go back to work I already lost my income .the Police at the station told me that whoever Police who logged in information did not put his/her name in that case they cannot help me. I was disappointed that the police can do records that might needed to the court as evidence without any name or ID of the police officer.disapointed that I am still out of employment due to police officer . I am not convinced that this was true from the beginning up to the end . I did not believe that police can break into someone property with no trace. I am now known as child kidnapper,Police damaged my reputa
m2chibini - 28-Jan-19 @ 9:10 PM
Fedup - Your Question:
My workplace have sickness triggers of 8 days a year or 4 periods a year and if you hit these you can be put on monitoring for 18 months. If you hit these triggers again they can dismiss you. Is this a violation of my HR to be sick. I am a human not a robot!

Our Response:
No it's not a human rights violation and it doesn't necessarily follow that you will be dismissed as most employers will take steps to establish the validity of the sickness etc. If you take several days off each year because you have a bad cold for example, your employer may consider you to be unhealthy or unreliable.
AboutHumanRights - 18-Sep-18 @ 2:39 PM
My workplace have sickness triggers of 8 days a year or 4 periods a year and if you hit these you can be put on monitoring for 18 months. If you hit these triggers again they can dismiss you. Is this a violation of my HR to be sick. I am a human not a robot!
Fedup - 17-Sep-18 @ 9:25 PM
I have been threatened with imprisonment when acutely ill, told to accept domestic violence, tortured by neighbours with no effective attempts to stop them, frightened into not to seek medical help, treated in an inhumane manner - all this by authorities that are paid to protect this in happening in the uk anon due to fear of severe retribution
hjasdfd - 21-Jan-18 @ 11:08 AM
I was 9 months pregnant with my fourth child when I told my ex partner who is muslim I did not want a relationship with him. He was abusive, a thief and harassed me for 7 years. He reported me to social services and police for child kidnapping, I was not allowed to travel while pregnant without his permission, the police broke into my house and took my children and newborn baby away and to give to him, but my son spoke about father hitting me so they went to foster care. The Court and social workers 90% of them women involved, have sided with my ex partner to take custody, and were more interested in knowing my love life and personal finances and accused me of having an affair and of money laundering. I was agreed once a month visits to my 4 children but my ex partner never brought them to the contact centre for 1.5 years. I don't know what school they go to or about their health. I am treated as if I am dead or invisible. My health is getting worst because of the abuse by the British people and the authorities. I have diagnosed lung disorder and find it difficult to breathe daily, especially when stressed or dealing with these people, they are making me ill. Now my ex is demanding I be supervised for the next 16 years in a contact centre. Accusing me of not showing emotional love during contact, and dictating what I cannot do. I cannot celebrate their birthdays, cannot speak my language to my children, cant bring friends, my new partner to know them. The judge of the court is obsessed with my personal life i.e where I live, what I do, my partner , even though she refuses to give me custody back. I am scared that when I have a new child, which I am already planning, that my children will continue to be supervised in a contact centre and I refuse to bring my new child into that environment which my partner would not allow. I don't know what to do. I cant move forward with my children and my future marriage and future children with them still oppressing me. I am thinking of European courts and I am taking steps to remove my British citizenship so that when my children grow up I have no assosciation to 'britain' whatsoever.
Mother of - 31-Dec-17 @ 7:31 PM
3men in a car made alligations i common assult on driver. 1yr later further charge dangerous driving. Trial @ mag court i had leagal reprasentation as reppn myself. Court said it unfare 4me 2cross examin as ov assult charge. Duty solicitor appointed only 2 cross examin (usless) left on own rest ov case..
Been had - 29-Dec-17 @ 8:57 AM
Hi i've tried to join to a site only to make my profile then a few hours later the site deleted my profile for being White, the site is Indian Singles UK People do have relationship with a different race to themselves
Darren2345 - 15-Nov-17 @ 8:29 PM
Was unlawfully prosecuted as the victim of crime with breach of Right to Life and Torture, CPS must apply it's obligations to ECHR and HRA at each stage of a case, failing to do so would be unlawful Case can be seen if Google Anton Carpena v CPS Anton Carpena v National Crime Agency Point is that the UK Courts are Corrupt and there is no justice in the UK
anton carpena - 16-Aug-17 @ 2:04 AM
Antony - Your Question:
I've been charged 3 time's for the same thing what do I

Our Response:
Please seek professional legal advice for this.
AboutHumanRights - 26-Jul-17 @ 12:45 PM
I've been charged 3 time's for the same thing what do I
Antony - 20-Jul-17 @ 12:08 AM
I have a court order to see my son and my ex has breached it from day 1 police told me to stick to my order. So I attended his school to pick him up on my day to have him and my ex try ed to stop me taking him. She had her phone sticking up out of her pocket on record like she has done for the last 6 months and try ed to get me arrested over 50 calls to police in 2 months no charges at all on any ocasion. However this has had no effect on her constantly trying to entrap me or coax me in to doing crime so she can use it against me in family court. On this ocasion I try ed to take her phone off her to stop it recording there was a bit of a struggle with the phone then I fell over as she let go I was arrested for abh after she claimed I grabbed her wrist and have broken it with one hand as I had my son in other armcan anyone help me with any info regarding her trying to make me assault her is it legal to torment someone till they crack she has had her brother freten to kill me 4 times by way of petrol bomb to my van whilst I'm in it. Do I have any rights ??? I had a court order and she still did not care
Don - 9-Feb-17 @ 8:31 PM
Which court in the United Kingdom is the best court to take a matter of human rights violations and breaches in the convention of human rights to? I am a litigant in person and would like to take on my case forward but need to know which court to begin proceedings to.
Sam - 2-Feb-17 @ 12:55 PM
On 3 July 2015 Cheshire West and Chester Council convinced the High Court of England and Wales I wrote and sent 1200 emails to its Solutions team in 2011 many of which it claimed contained derogatory, abusive and harassing content. The Council refused to disclose any of those emails at court despite having made no application to the Court not to do so. I denied being the author or sender of the emails and reminded the Mr Justice Edis to the Civil Procedure Rule 31.6 - wherein it states both parties must disclose all documents they rely on to win their arguments. At a second hearing on 17 November 2015 I made application to the Court for specific disclosure of those emails but the Council opposed my application telling the judge I did not want the mass of documents to prove my innocence but instead to prove numbers of its officers and elected members dishonesty. Despite my assuring Justice Holroyde those emails have never existed still he refused my application. On the 6th September 2016 despite my saying I required copies of those emails ito prove my innocence - Appeal Court Judge Rt Hon Lady Justice Glosser agreed Mr Justice Holroyde was correct to refuse me those emails. Since 17 November 2015 I have twice submitted Subject Access Requests to the Council seeking copy of those 1200 emails - the Council declines to process my requests and as a result I formally complained to the Information Commissioner only to be told she cannot investigate as the emails formed part of a legal case. Twice I assured the Commissioner the emails were never disclosed therefore never formed part of that legal action - the Commissioner refuses to acknowledge my correspondence. On 9 August 2016 the High Court ordered my website taken down and banned me from owning any further sites for twelve Months - it also banned me from creating new email accounts. This week I formally complained to the Cheshire West and Chester Council claiming its refusal to provide me copies of the 1200 emails knowing as it does I require them to prove my innocence is tantamount to inhuman and degrading treatment - it is torture - is a breach of article 3 ECHR 1998....the Council declines to process my formal complaint.
Bloodhound - 17-Jan-17 @ 6:25 PM
Is it a violation of human rights for women in prison to be made to strip...then squat...whilst on a period...then physically have your tampon removed if you refused to do so...this happened to me whilst in holloway. In the past yrs since being there.i have been so badly treated. I have also been raped and was told by police that it was my own fault even thoigh mrdical evidence had proved my cervix had been torn. I feel completely alone and let down by the way i have been treated..i have nightmares...my husband is so worried. Do i actually have any rights anymore?
Special k - 12-Nov-16 @ 1:19 PM
I since 2009 have been a vulnerable adult beings subjected to torture for trying to protect a child, the torture resulted in seven assisted suicide attempts but was not aware assisted suicide was violation of Right to Life As a victim of torture became disabled in Jam 2011 should have been rehabilitated but was subjected to psychological tortur. As disabled victim of psychological torture left to neglect since 2013 subjected to pharmaceutical tortur Tried Freedom from Torture, Redress, Equality Human Righte Commisiom, Liberty and many law firms but been refused any help As a victim of pharmaceutical torture forced injections of a drug that increase the chance of death and has side affects of sudden unexplained death This is Capitol Punishment All I did was try to protect a child
Anton - 3-Nov-16 @ 12:41 AM
I had court earlier this year but from the start I feel I was wrongly charged with assault on my daughter in January 2015 she didn't admit to me hitting her they were no injuries or marks on her my lawyer forced me to plead guilty when I believe I wasn't he said if I plead guilty I'd get a lesser sentence I didn't understand due to my learning disabilities
Nat - 4-Sep-16 @ 9:53 PM
I have a friend who was falsely arrested for a crime he didn't commit. He spent six months in jail awaiting trail. The day before he was due to go court all charges were dropped. This was in June. He is still in prison and awaiting a release date. No reason has been given as to why he is still there. We have asked all we can why, no one has an answer.
Coco - 26-Aug-16 @ 10:58 PM
Hi I'm39 years old man from Albania . I have arrived in U.K on May 1999 when I was 22 years old Claiming to be from Kosovo . I was interviewed at border at the time . I was given an home office document That clearly stated that I was in fact Albanian. And i was let free out of that door. Around six months later I was refused entry in to the U.K from the authorities. Things was going ok for me at the time work wise so i did change address and lost contact . I been getting by sleeping rough and even experienced homelessness and being exploited many times by random people who I didn't know Trying to work for them.and survive always hoping for a better life in a better country. Nevertheless many years went by and I eventually decided to regulate my status. after 11 years i got in touch with home office and they gave me residence like a was kosovan even though my ind that i have kept and preserved for many years clearly states albania I was desperate to go see my parents so I took it like that. And failed to notify of my true identity.hoever in 2012 I told them cus I didn't feel comfortable .and they left me using my previous name knowing full well that I was the same person.anyway I have just received a leter now in 2016 that I should leave the country because the homme secretary doesn't think that I'm a good character . Although I never got myself in trouble . not even a minor offence. I find this treatment very disproportionate . I would appreciate your opinion Thank you
Adriatik - 29-May-16 @ 2:18 AM
Nothing to talk about we meet in court the mad dogs in campsfield treat refugee like a terrorist.racism was born in oxford humiliating is oxo oxfordshre manipulating of humanright violation.. millenium world uk is still in dark age discriminating is unacceptable in united nation database for a day shall come great scotland will go then what else small or great.
United - 20-May-16 @ 3:12 PM
Marshy - Your Question:
I was arrested for a offence to which I didn't do,I was kept for the full 24hrs before on the last few minutes a officer came to my cell and charged me with the offence,which was criminal damage,I was realised on bail with orders not to go near a property or the person who lives at the property.later that week the person whom is my ex partner turned up at my house claiming he was sorry and that there was a witness who actually seen my ex cause the damage,two days later I took him to the back to his house were he turned on me and phoned the police,to which I was arrested and charged for breach of bail,on realise my car was left at my ex house so I went to pick it up were my.ex then came out of his house asking me to talk to him as I did so he started to get violent hitting me so I ran to my car and drove away,later that day I was once again arrested for breach of bail and remanded into custody were I was sent to prison.days later I appeared via video link to court to apply for bail,which my solicitor advised me to plead guilty to the charges or else I wouldn't get bail,well any parent who hasn't seen there child would of choose to say guilty plea if it means you was going to get see there children,so that is what I did,where I was then realised on bail until my court date.since being realised I have got several lots of evidence and witness to defend my plea of not guilty,so went to my solicitor to tell him I.wish to plea not guilty at court to which he has said I'm not allowed to change my plea,and in doing so I could get sent back to prison until the next court date,even though I've got evidence to prove my innocence.can you please advise me if that is correct,has I've never been in trouble and the offences I'm going to be charged with will also affect my carer as well as all the heartache and emotional stress it has already caused me

Our Response:
You can change your please, but you should rely on the advice of your solicitor who will be more familiar with the workings of the courts and full details of your case etc.
AboutHumanRights - 16-May-16 @ 10:47 AM
I was arrested for a offence to which I didn't do,I was kept for the full 24hrs before on the last few minutes a officer came to my cell and charged me with the offence,which was criminal damage,I was realised on bail with orders not to go near a property or the person who lives at the property..later that week the person whom is my ex partner turned up at my house claiming he was sorry and that there was a witness who actually seen my ex cause the damage,two days later I took him to the back to his house were he turned on me and phoned the police,to which I was arrested and charged for breach of bail,on realise my car was left at my ex house so I went to pick it up were my.ex then came out of his house asking me to talk to him as I did so he started to get violent hitting me so I ran to my car and drove away,later that day I was once again arrested for breach of bail and remanded into custody were I was sent to prison..days later I appeared via video link to court to apply for bail,which my solicitor advised me to plead guilty to the charges or else I wouldn't get bail,well any parent who hasn't seen there child would of choose to say guilty plea if it means you was going to get see there children,so that is what I did,where I was then realised on bail until my court date..since being realised I have got several lots of evidence and witness to defend my plea of not guilty,so went to my solicitor to tell him I.wish to plea not guilty at court to which he has said I'm not allowed to change my plea,and in doing so I could get sent back to prison until the next court date,even though I've got evidence to prove my innocence...can you please advise me if that is correct,has I've never been in trouble and the offences I'm going to be charged with will also affect my carer as well as all the heartache and emotional stress it has already caused me
Marshy - 13-May-16 @ 8:36 AM
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